Treino dos Fundibulários 2017

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Easter 16 title.png

De 24 de março de 2016 até 11 de abril de 2016, você poderá ser o mestre de um fundibulário no evento "Treino dos Fundibulários". Durante este tempo você será um mestre fundibulário, ensinando jovens gregos a arte do manuseio de uma funda. A tradição das famílias gregas é de passar suas histórias de guerra para a próxima geração, e agora cabe a você preparar os novos heróis para a batalha.

Durante o evento, você instruirá seu aprendiz a atirar em 3 tipos de cerâmicas, que ficam posicionados na janela do evento. Ao quebrar uma peça da cerâmica, você ganhará cacos que poderão ser trocados por poderosas recompensas. Em adição você receberá pontos de honra que serão contabilizadas para a classificação diária. Ao final do dia, os melhores colocados receberão uma recompensa exclusiva. Você também pode alcançar os objetivos da comunidade com pontos de honra. Todos os jogadores no seu mundo devem coletar pontos de honra juntos durante o evento, para desbloquear efeitos raros que serão ativados nas cidades de todos.

O treinamento

Easter 16 field.png

On the first event screen you can see the three different types of pottery your scholar can shoot at. Each different type is marked with a symbol

Type of pottery Symbol Collection item
Yellow pottery Easter 16 button yellow.png Easter 16 yellow egg.png
Orange pottery Easter 16 button orange.png Easter 16 orange egg.png
White pottery Easter 16 button white.png Easter 16 white egg.png

Simply click on a target symbol to shoot a stone. You will receive from 2 to 20 Honor Points and Shards at random. In addition to this, you may also find bonus loot. Each piece of pottery you shoot will cost you one stone from your ammo pouch, and every day you get 10 stones for free.

Stones & Ammo pouch

Stones are used by your scholar to shoot at pottery. You can hold a maximum of 10 stones at any time in your ammo pouch. You can receive additional stones in three different ways:

  • At midnight every day, your ammo pouch will be replenished to 10 stones.
  • You can sometimes find a stone as bonus loot when shooting at pottery.
  • You can choose to purchase 5 stones with gold.
Easter 16 pouch.png

New Targets & Hit Display

You get 15 new targets every day at midnight for free and when you shoot all pieces of pottery on the field. You can also refresh the targets by simply clicking the “New targets” button on the battlefield which costs a few Shards. Using the New Targets button is a tactical approach which can be beneficial in a number of situations, for example:

  • Use the New Targets button if you are attempting to complete a specific collection. For example, you are trying to complete the White Eggs collection and have broken all pieces of white pottery on the field.
  • You have shot all of the high value targets on the field, and want another chance to earn some more Honor Points or Shards.
Easter 16 main ui.png

The Hit Display shows the amount of Shards and Honor Points that are received when shooting a target. The golden broken pottery shows which point values you have already earned from the current field. The grey broken pottery marks the point value of the previous pottery you shot.

Shards & Shop

Easter 16 shards.png

Shards are earned by shooting pottery. For every shot, you receive between 2 and 20 Shards.

Easter 16 shop.png

The Shard Shop allows you to trade your hard earned Shards for a number of different rewards. These rewards will then either be stored in your normal inventory or you can choose to activate them instantly. The cost of rewards vary based on the type of reward.

This time there is no necessity to spend all your Shards during the event time because the shop will open again for some time after the event ends. So stay tuned and visit our forum for more info.

Bonus Loot

Every time you break a piece of pottery you have a chance to find special loot. This can range from an extra stone to an egg which forms a part of one of the egg collections. The stone can be used to shoot another piece of pottery. The color of the egg you earn will be based on the pottery type you shoot.

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Egg Collections

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There are three different egg collections. Each collection is made up of 10 eggs. You can find the eggs by breaking pottery on the main event screen. Completing a collection will reward you with 8 unique effects, and a special award for each collection. There is a unique award granted to the first player of each world to complete one of the collections. (see List of Awards) To get an egg of a chosen collection, shoot on the corresponding pottery type.

Community Score (Honor Points)

Easter 2016 community bar.png

Community score tallies the Honor Points collected by all players in your world. There are five Community goals for a world to strive for. Each of them carries a unique reward with a long duration. Each goal is shown by its own symbol.

Symbol Meaning
Assassins 2015 community effect lvl1.jpg The resource production in all your cities is increased by 60% for 5 weeks.

Cities that are founded or conquered while the effect lasts will also benefit from this.

Assassins 2015 community effect lvl2.jpg The construction time of buildings is reduced in all your cities by 60% for 5 weeks.

Cities that are founded or conquered while the effect lasts will also benefit from this.

Assassins 2015 community effect lvl3.jpg The recruiting time for units is reduced in all your cities 60% for 5 weeks.

Cities that are founded or conquered while the effect lasts will also benefit from this.

Assassins 2015 community effect lvl4.jpg Increases the favor production in all your cities 60% for 5 weeks.

Cities that are founded or conquered while the effect lasts will also benefit from this.

Assassins 2015 community effect lvl5.jpg You will receive 50% more battle points for 2 weeks. This applies to all your cities.

Cities that are founded or conquered while the effect lasts will also benefit from this.

Classificação Diária (Pontos de Honra)

Todos os jogadores podem competir uns contra os outros para obter mais pontos de honra diariamente. A cada vez que quebra uma peça de cerâmica, você ganha entre 2 a 20 pontos de honra. A classificação é baseada nesses pontos de honra.

Assim que receber seu primeiro ponto de honra para o dia, você será listado na classificação diária. Ao final do dia, o primeiro colocado receberá uma medalha e uma recompensa de efeito. A cada dia às 20:00 (horário do servidor) a classificação é analisada e reiniciada. As recompensas são manuseadas assim que a análise tiver terminado.

Medalha: Mestre Fundibulário 2016

Easter 16 award master1.png

Lista de medalhas

Símbolo Nome Significado
Easter 16 award1.png O que veio primeiro, o ovo ou a galinha? Medalha entregue ao primeiro colocado deste mundo a completar todas as coleções.
Easter 16 award2.png Alta Precisão Amarela Medalha é entregue ao atirar em 10/25/55/90 peças da cerâmica amarela.
Easter 16 award3.png Alta Precisão Laranja Medalha é entregue ao atirar em 10/25/55/90 peças da cerâmica laranja.
Easter 16 award4.png Alta Precisão Branca Medalha é entregue ao atirar em 10/25/55/90 peças da cerâmica branca.
Easter 16 award5.png Coleção de Ovo Amarelo 2016 Medalha é entregue ao completar a coleção de ovo amarelo.
Easter 16 award6.png Coleção de Ovo Laranja 2016 Medalha é entregue ao completar a coleção de ovo laranja.
Easter 16 award7.png Coleção de Ovo Branco 2016 Medalha é entregue ao completar a coleção de ovo branco.