Evento de Outono 2016

De Wiki Grepolis BR
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Durante o evento de outono deste ano você terá a oportunidade de praticar magia! Você poderá usar 8 ingredientes distintos (oferendas) para desbloquear prêmios que o ajudarão a dominar seu inimigo. Você pode coletar os ingredientes todo dia com ações, como: melhorar edifícios, atacar, pesquisar, entre outras.

Assim que tiver ingredientes suficientes, você poderá misturá-los na janela principal do evento e, com isto, receberá uma recompensa específica. A receita (encantamento) para este bônus será guardada em seu livro de encantamentos para referências futuras.

Em adição às recompensas que receba dos seus encantamentos, você também terá oportunidades de competir contras outros jogadores nos rankings de classificação diária. O melhor jogador do dia receberá a medalha Mestre Encantador, ao passo que os 4 melhores do evento receberão a prestigiosa medalha Grão Mestre!

Evocação de encantamentos

Fall event overview.png

In order to perform an incantation you must first gather 3 offerings. It does not matter what materials you use, and you may use more than one of the same type. Once you have the necessary ingredients you may add them to your incantation by dragging them into an available slot on the main event screen. Once all 3 slots are filled you can click "Conjure".

After you click "Conjure" your materials will be combined, and you will receive a reward from the incantation. You may use the reward immediately, or store it in your inventory if you have space. You will not be able to cast another incantation until you have collected your reward.

How to collect offerings

Hween 2015 overview1.png

You can find offerings for your incantations by playing Grepolis. Below are some common actions that will award offerings:

  • Attacking and defending
  • Recruiting units
  • Research
  • Construction of buildings
  • Casting of spells

The amount of free offerings you can receive daily is limited to 10. You can buy as many additional offerings as you want by spending gold, although the price of each ingredient will increase with each purchase by the base price (and reset at midnight).

Image Symbol bat.png Symbol bone.png Symbol rat.png Symbol witch.png Symbol lich.png
Symbol mandrake.png
Symbol cyclops.png Symbol ruby.png
Name Bat Wing Bone Rat Tail Witch Finger Lich Dust Mandrake Cyclops Skull Rubies
Base price in gold 50 50 50 50 75 75 110 110

Book of Incantations

Crafting book 2016.jpg

The Book of Incantations will automatically save your offering combinations so that you can easily reference back to them! Incantations will be ordered by the type of reward, and players will be able to filter through their offerings by availability or needed offerings.

If you wish to unlock an unknown incantation without experimenting, you may do so for a small amount of gold.


Hween 2015 rankings.png

All players can compete against each other in terms of produced incantations on a daily basis. Every time you conjure an incantation, you will get a random amount of blood points (up to 10). The ranking is based on these points. No matter which incantation you conjure, you always have the same chance to get points.

As soon as you produce your first incantation on a day you will be listed in the daily ranking. The winner of the day (rank 1) will earn an award and an effect. Every day at 8pm the ranking gets evaluated and reset. The rewards get handed out as soon as the evaluation is finished.

Award: Master Conjurer 2016 (Daily Award)

Hween 2015 daily.png

The overall ranking will work much the same as the daily ranking, but it will not reset. It will run until the event ends.

The top 10 players in the overall ranking list will receive several bonus rewards as soon as the event ends. Additionally the top 4 players of the event will be awarded the Grand Master award to display on their profile!

Awards for the top 4 players of the overall ranking:

Grand Master 2016

Rank 1 Rank 2 Rank 3 Rank 4
Hween 2015 award 1.png Hween 2015 award 2.png Hween 2015 award 3.png Hween 2015 award 4.png

Medalhas Adicionais

Dark Conjurer 2016

Performed 1 incantation Performed 5 incantations Performed 25 incantations Performed 50 incantations
Dark conjurer 1.png
Dark conjurer 2.png
Dark conjurer 3.png
Dark conjurer 4.png

Dark Scribe 2016

Found 1 incantation Found 10 incantations Found 25 incantations Found 50 incantations
Dark scribe 1.png
Dark scribe 2.png
Dark scribe 3.png
Dark scribe 4.png

Bloody Glance 2016
Sacrifice only rubies three times in a row

1ª vez 2ª vez 3ª vez 4ª vez
Halloween rubies BloodyGlance1.png
Halloween rubies BloodyGlance2.png
Halloween rubies BloodyGlance3.png
Halloween rubies BloodyGlance4.png

Present of the Dead 2016
Sacrifice only cyclops skulls three times in a row

1ª vez 2ª vez 3ª vez 4ª vez
Halloween cyclope PresentOfTheDead1.png
Halloween cyclope PresentOfTheDead2.png
Halloween cyclope PresentOfTheDead3.png
Halloween cyclope PresentOfTheDead4.png

Occult Knowledge 2016
Performing all possible incantations.

1ª vez 2ª vez 3ª vez 4ª vez
Halloween knowledge OccultKnowledge1.png
Halloween knowledge OccultKnowledge2.png
Halloween knowledge OccultKnowledge3.png
Halloween knowledge OccultKnowledge4.png

Progresso das recompensas

Todos os jogadores que evocarem uma quantidade específica de recompensas, receberão as seguintes recompensas bônus:

Quantidade de recompensas evocadas Recompensa
25 Administrator reward.png Você ganhará o administrador por 2 semanas.
50 Overall culture level.png Você ganhará um nível de cultura inteiro.