Páscoa 2013

De Wiki Grepolis BR
Revisão de 11h46min de 19 de março de 2013 por In.my.control (discussão | contribs)
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Evento de Páscoa

Período do evento:

De 27 de março à 7 de abril de 2013

The chicken coop will be disabled after 8 days. Afterwards it's not possible to feed the chicken anymore, it will produce eggs till the food is empty. The shop stays open for four more days in order to spend the remaining eggs.

'Chicken coop

Description: On march 27th you will be given a chicken that can produce golden eggs. Like all good Easter chickens, in order to lay eggs she will need to be well fed. Your chicken enjoys eating grass, worms and grain, so send out your population and let them search for food in your town. The probability of finding a specific chicken feed depends on the duration of your search. Once your chicken has laid some eggs they can be used to buy items in the Easter store. Some items are only available with golden eggs, others only with gold; but most can be bought with either gold or eggs.

How to open the chicken coop: Click on the small chicken icon at the bottom right corner of the screen to open your chicken coop. The Easter store can be accessed in the second tab of the Easter event window.

Eggs productivity: There are three different types of feed you can collect to feed your chicken (grass, worms and grain). Each type of feed increases your chicken's egg production by a specific value:


Each piece of food will keep your chicken satisfied for one hour. After one hour, it's gone and your chicken will be hungry again. You can feed your chicken up to 8 times in a row to extend the feeding time. To feed your chicken, click on one of the three "Feed (x/8)" buttons. When the limit is reached (8/8), the button will be deactivated. After one hour the counter will decrease and you can feed your chicken again. A progress bar and countdown on the screen show the current filling level of your chicken.

Hint: You can feed your chicken 3 different types of feed at the same time (eg. grass, worms and grain).

Collect feed: You can send out your population to search for chicken feed. This has no effect on your normal resource production or your amount of free population. You can choose from four search durations: 5 minutes, 20 minutes, 1 hour and 2 hours. You can also cancel your search, but if you do this you won't get any chicken feed! After the search time is over, you have to collect the feed you have found. It's not automatically given to your chicken!

Second chicken: You can add a second chicken to your chicken coop by paying 200 gold. If you feed both chickens you can double your egg production! Two chickens can produce a maximum of 24 eggs per hour.

Countdown: The Easter event is only available for a limited time, between March 27th and April 7th, 2013. The henhouse will close 4 days before the Store. The remaining time is always visible, displayed as a countdown centered at the top of the Easter event window. After the henhouse countdown runs out, it won't be possible to feed your chicken any more. It will spend all given food and you are able to buy items in the Easter Store until the Store closes on April 7th!